Productivity and Prosperity

Determinants of Growth and Prosperity in U.S. Metropolitan Areas

Kent Hill, Ph.D.
Principal Research Economist, L. William Seidman Research Institute

Investigates the factors associated with the population growth and prosperity of metro areas. Two measures of human capital—educational attainment and the STEM share of the economy—are among the factors that are significantly correlated to growth and prosperity.

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Kent Hill, Ph.D.
Kent Hill, Ph.D.
Principal Research Economist, L. William Seidman Research Institute

After completing his undergraduate degree in economics at Wake Forest University, Kent received his Ph.D. in economics from Rice University in 1979. He was an assistant professor at ASU from 1978 to 1983. After leaving the university for seven years, during which he worked in the research department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, he returned to ASU to teach in 1991. He joined ASU’s L. William Seidman Research Institute in 1999.

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