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Productivity and Prosperity

Supply and Demand of "STEM" Occupations in Arizona

Analyzes the employment, degree production, and migration of individuals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, with a focus on the supply and demand of STEM occupations in Arizona.

Arizona Productivity and Prosperity STEM/High Tech
Productivity and Prosperity

Preparing for an Arizona of 10 Million People: Meeting the Infrastructure Challenges of Growth – Background Report

Places Arizona's infrastructure needs into national and historical contexts, examines the changing conditions in infrastructure provision that make building Arizona's infrastructure in the future a more problematic proposition than in the past, and projects the possible costs of providing…

Arizona Infrastructure Investment Nation Productivity and Prosperity
Arizona Universities

The Economic Contributions of the University System

Examines the short-term effects of a reduction in university funding, the short-term effects of delaying the construction stimulus program, and the long-term effects of a funding reduction for the universities.

Arizona Economic Impact Higher Education Finance Arizona Universities
Public Finance

Tax Law Changes in Arizona Since 1989 and the Impact on Government Revenues and Economic Growth

Analyzes the change in state government revenues and the relationship between tax law changes and subsequent economic growth.

Arizona Economic Growth General Fund Tax Burden Public Finance
Arizona Universities

The Economic Impact of $1.4 Billion of University Construction Projects on the State of Arizona

Analyzes the benefits and costs of constructing physical infrastructure for the state’s public universities using long-term debt.

Arizona Economic Impact Arizona Universities
Productivity and Prosperity

The Societal Benefits of Higher Education

Reviews the societal benefits of higher education in Arizona and estimates the benefits of increasing the percentage of university graduates.

Economic Development Educational Attainment Income & Earnings Nation Productivity and Prosperity Value of Education
Productivity and Prosperity

Quantitative Examples of the Financial and Economic Benefits of Higher Education

Focuses on three of the financial/economic benefits provided by universities: individual financial benefits, social financial benefits, and economic benefits of university research.

Arizona Educational Attainment Income & Earnings Nation Productivity and Prosperity Research & Development Value of Education
Productivity and Prosperity

Targeting Federal Laboratories as a Catalyst for Private Investment in Research and Development

Explains how the attraction of a federally funded research and development center would aid economic development, particularly private-sector research and development, in Arizona.

Nation Productivity and Prosperity Research & Development States
Public Finance

Public Investment Using Debt Financing and the Effect on Economic Activity: Perspectives for the State of Arizona

Discusses the use of long-term debt by governments to finance long-lasting infrastructure projects. Includes an empirical analysis of the relationship between debt burdens and economic growth.

Arizona Infrastructure Investment Nation States Public Finance

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