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Arizona Universities

The Impact of ASU Graduates Employed in Arizona in 2023

An update to the November 2023 paper that presented data through 2022, estimates are presented of the number of ASU graduates working in Arizona, as well as their average wage, aggregate wages, and tax payments. Estimates are made for each year from 2012 through 2023.

Arizona ASU Economic Impact Substates Arizona Universities
Productivity and Prosperity

The Development of High-Technology Centers in the United States, with a Focus on Arizona

Examines the determinants of the locations of high-tech clusters in the United States. Summarizes the development of high-tech activities in Arizona, Metro Phoenix, and Metro Tucson relative to selected states and metropolitan areas.





Arizona Economic Development Nation Productivity and Prosperity Regional Economics States STEM/High Tech Substates
Arizona Demographics Default

2020 Census Results for Arizona: Part 2

Arizona’s median age in 2020 of 38.9 was nearly identical to the national average, but the state’s increase in median age between 2010 and 2020 tied for the highest in the country. Arizona’s larger-than-average increase can be traced to strong net in-migration at early…

Arizona Decennial Census Migration Nation States Substates Demographics
Productivity and Prosperity

Regional Economic Competitiveness, Part 2: Economic Clusters in Arizona

Arizona’s subpar performance on measures of productivity and prosperity can largely be traced to three factors:

Arizona Economic Base Economic Competitiveness Nation Productivity and Prosperity Regional Economics States Substates
Productivity and Prosperity

Regional Economic Competitiveness, Part 1: Productivity and Prosperity in Arizona

Worldwide, the goal of economic development is to improve prosperity, not simply to grow in economic size. Aggregate growth rates, such as of population and employment, have little (if any) relationship to gains in prosperity.

Arizona Economic Competitiveness Income & Earnings Nation Productivity and Prosperity Regional Economics States Substates
Arizona Demographics Default

Employment Centers in Metropolitan Phoenix

In Maricopa County, 28 employment centers were identified based on 2021 employment data. An employment center is a contiguous area with total employment at least 8,875, employment density (employment per square mile) of at least 4,650, and employment per 1,000 residents…

Regional Economics Substates Demographics
Arizona Demographics Default

The Migration of Young Adults to and from Arizona

The migration efficiency — the ratio of the number of in-migrants to the number of out-migrants — of individuals between the ages of 16 and 26 who moved between commuting zones (CZs: aggregations of counties) during the 2000-to-2018 time period was the highest among the…

Migration States Substates Demographics
Arizona Demographics Default

2020 Census Results for Arizona: Part 1

Discusses 2020 census counts and the change between the 2010 and 2020 decennial censuses for the nation, states, metro areas, and Arizona counties and places. Population growth in Arizona during the 2010s was less than in each of the four prior decades.

Arizona Decennial Census Migration Nation Population Estimates Population Projections States Substates Demographics
Productivity and Prosperity

Determinants of Growth and Prosperity in U.S. Metropolitan Areas

Investigates the factors associated with the population growth and prosperity of metro areas. Two measures of human capital—educational attainment and the STEM share of the economy—are among the factors that are significantly correlated to growth and prosperity.

Educational Attainment Income & Earnings Productivity and Prosperity Regional Economics STEM/High Tech Substates

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